Online Mock Test

Why take the learner’s license test more than once? Study online with our Punjab practice learner’s license test, and we guarantee you’ll ace your learners license test the first time.

Step 1: Sign up for Practice Learner's License Test

Get ready to earn your learner’s license with Drive Karo India. You get 100 questions based on the real learning license test with our learner’s license test. We are committed to helping you prepare for your real exam and get you on the road with confidence!

Step 2: Practice for the Test Online Anytime, Anywhere

Study conveniently with our practice test on the go or from the comfort of your own home. Our learners license test is accessible online 24/7, so you can study yourself at your own pace and on your own time. Let Drive Karo India help you earn your driving license in no time!

Step 3: Take the Practice Learner's License Test

Once you’re ready, head over to the DMV to take the real driving test. Get all the practice you need to pass your written learners test and you’ll be driving in no time.
Drive Karo India Reviews  5/5|Over 6,000 reviews

"Simple & easy to Understand"

This is a really great and helpful tool to help you get a clear understanding on what to expect on the actual test. It is straightforward and I personally recommend it to more people.

"Concepts well explained"

Course was good, really explained every concept. Believe I am a more informed and safer driver after it. Would recommend it to everyone learning to drive.

"Fun learning experience"

It was super simple and fun to learn on Drive Karo India and use the learnings in real life. I would definitely recommend Drive Karo India to everybody!

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When you sign up with Drive Karo India, rest assured you are training with the very best.

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